Blog// LGBT Adoptive Parents

Single Parent Adoption

Adoption is a wonderful choice for building your family.  That said, as a single parent, it can have even more hurdles that you will have to overcome. With studies showing that about 25% of all adopters are single parents, let’s look at a few of the challenges you might face and how best to navigate the path to parenthood.


International Adoption

International adoption is a route that many people consider because it can be faster, and you are more likely to adopt a younger child. However, with international adoption, you should be aware that some countries have laws to only adopt to couples. 


If you are interested in international adoption as a single parent, you should look at the following 7 countries: China, the Philippines, Haiti, Bulgaria, Colombia, Poland, and Latvia.


International adoption is still a lengthy process, and you may not be able to meet your child before adopting them. Be sure to research the specific agency you choose.


Private Adoption

Private adoptions are done through licensed agencies, and the birth mother is often involved in the selection of who they wish to adopt their child. For this reason, single parents tend to be at a disadvantage compared to couples when it comes to private adoptions.


While many birth mothers are looking for individuals in stable, supportive relationships, don’t count yourself out if you have your heart set on a private adoption! 


While many birth mothers will primarily look for couples, you may still be able to impress them by showing that you are prepared and willing to give the child all the care, love, and attention they deserve. One of the best ways to do so is by proving you have a steady job and a strong support network for you and your future child.


Public Adoption


Though adoption through services such as foster care can be the most time-consuming of all options, public adoption also tends to be the form of adoption that treats single parents the most favorably.


Across all 50 states and with over 100,000 children in foster care waiting to be adopted every year, laws support single parents wishing to adopt. Oftentimes a single household may even be preferable to a couple in certain circumstances.


 For example, a child who has experienced abuse from a male guardian may prefer a single mother to a couple. Public adoption agencies are more interested in making sure the child is safe, loved, and well looked after than they are with your relationship status.


Unfortunately, the most significant downsides reported by single parents of public adoptions are that the process takes considerably longer than a private or international adoption. Also,  you are far less likely to be able to adopt a young child.


Parting Words

If you are a single person hoping to adopt, do not be discouraged! The process may be long, and in some cases, complex. Remember that the barriers in place exist to protect children. If you wish to provide a loving home through adoption, stick with it! Your future child will thank you.

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