Last-Minute Adoption
It’s Never too Late to Make an Adoption Plan!
It’s never too late to place your baby for adoption. We can help you make a last-minute adoption plan for your baby at any point of your pregnancy or birth.
Are you...
- Close to your due-date or scheduled C-section?
- Currently in labor?
- At the hospital after giving birth?
- At home with your newborn?
We can help you make an Adoption Plan!
How to Place Your Baby for Adoption at the Last Minute
Our team is fully prepared to handle last-minute adoptions and will work quickly to coordinate everything needed for your adoption plan. The families we work with are ready for the possibility of a last-minute adoption and are willing to travel anywhere in the country at a moment’s notice. No matter where in the United States you are, we could have a family there for you and your baby.
- Step 1: Reach out to us via phone, text, or live chat, and an adoption coordinator will help you right away.
- Step 2: Your coordinator will ask you a few questions about you, your baby, and what you’re looking for in your adoption plan.
- Step 3: We’ll send you the profiles for a selection of adoptive families to choose from. If you don’t want to choose a family yourself, we can choose for you.
- Step 4: We’ll coordinate everything with the adoptive family to ensure they get to you and your baby as soon as possible.
- Step 5: A local social worker or attorney will meet with you and personally guide you through the process.
- Step 6: Your baby will leave the hospital in the care of the adoptive family. They will stay somewhere local with the baby until the final paperwork is signed.
- Step 7: Get financial assistance for counseling and other assistance after the adoption to help you get back on your feet.
“You are giving them an amazing life and you're also giving someone else the best opportunity in the world! You are making them parents! You are a true angel.”
— Ashley, LifeLong Birthmother

Frequently Asked Questions about Last-Minute Adoptions
If I’m in labor and haven’t made an adoption plan yet, can I still choose adoption?
Yes, you can choose adoption at the last minute. We often receive calls and messages from women who are in labor. If you’re considering placing your baby for adoption from the hospital, contact us anytime. We can have an adoptive family available for your baby within 24-48 hours. The baby will leave the hospital with the adoptive parents, avoiding any need for foster care.
My baby has already been born — can I still make an adoption plan?
Yes, you can make an adoption plan at any point after your baby is born. Any of our waiting families would be thrilled to welcome your baby into their lives. We will help you choose a family for your baby and connect you with a local adoption professional who will help coordinate everything between you and the adoptive family.
Can I choose my baby’s adoptive family?
Yes. We will send you a selection of adoptive family profiles for you to look through. We will only show you families who are open to the same things you are in your adoption plan. You can also choose the level of communication you’d like to have with them. It’s totally up to you how open or private you want your relationship to be.
How are adoptive families screened?
In order to legally adopt a baby, a family must complete an adoption home study through a licensed adoption service. The home study is an intensely thorough process that takes three to four months on average. It includes a full FBI background check and an in-depth evaluation of their finances, marital stability, lifestyle, personalities, physical and mental health, medical history, background, education, reasons for adopting, and much more. All families who successfully complete this difficult process are prepared to be parents in every way and are committed to providing a safe, stable, and loving home for your baby. You can be confident that the family you choose will give your child the best possible life.
Is financial assistance available for me?
Yes, almost all states allow birthmothers to receive a certain amount of financial support and counseling after placement. The adoption social worker we connect you with can give you more details about the financial assistance laws in your state. On top of that, our services are totally free of charge for prospective birthmothers.