Whether it’s from an unplanned pregnancy or any other circumstance that makes raising a child a concern for you, adoption is always an option. In fact, it’s one of the most selfless and loving decisions an expectant mother can make.
Choosing adoption in difficult circumstances can add extra concern, pressure, and worry. Some expectant mothers may wonder if it’s even possible. The answer is always yes. Regardless of whether an expectant mother is homeless, in prison, suffering from addiction, or any other difficult circumstances, adoption remains an option. At LifeLong Adoptions, adoption is always a 100% free, safe, and confidential process for birthmothers.
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If you’re thinking about choosing adoption in difficult circumstances, let us help you with your decision. Our caring and compassionate birthmother coordinators are available for expectant mothers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ask questions, find support, and get the guidance you need, when you need it. We’re always here and ready to help.
We're Here to Support You
You’re Never Alone and You Always Have Options
Below, learn about adoption in difficult circumstances like incarceration, homelessness, addiction, adoption without citizenship, and other situations. At LifeLong Adoptions, it’s our goal to provide you with as much information as possible and outline all of your options. Regardless of your circumstances, as an expectant mother, we’re committed to helping find the resources and support you need.
Can I make an adoption plan in prison?
If you are an expectant mother in prison, you can still make an adoption plan. You’ll go through the same general adoption process as any other birthmother, but with some small changes based on your situation. Your prison caseworker will go over your options with you as an expectant mother. If you decide to make an adoption plan in prison, our coordinators at LifeLong Adoptions can help. Our team will send adoptive family profiles for you to start looking through, so you can find a family whose values align with what you want for your child. We can also choose a family for you if you’d like.
After you’ve chosen an adoptive family, depending on the rules of your prison, we can help you get into contact with our families via letters or phone calls. We will connect you with an experienced legal professional who will work with your prison caseworker to help you get your adoption plan into place, all while following the regulations of where you are incarcerated. The legal professional can connect you with counseling as well to help you process your emotions. Choosing adoption while in prison will have no negative repercussions on your sentence. It is a safe option that offers expectant mothers the opportunity to choose a loving home and the best possible future for their children.
Can I place my baby for adoption if I am not a U.S. Citizen?
Yes, as long as your child will be born in the United States, you have just as much of a right to make an adoption plan as any other expectant mother. You can place your child with a loving and supportive American family, and you can choose whatever family that most closely aligns with your values and wishes for your child’s future.
At LifeLong Adoptions, we have waiting families of all backgrounds, orientations, religions, races, and types. Your citizenship status will not affect the number of families willing to adopt your unborn child. You can still choose the type of communication you would like and can choose an open adoption if you wish. We work with experienced legal professionals who can work with you on your adoption plan and keep you safe and secure in the process.
Learn more about our 100% free and confidential adoptions for birthmothers
Can I make an adoption plan if Child Protective Services/Department of Family Services is involved?
If CPS/DFS has an open case or custody of your child(ren) and you are currently pregnant, you CAN make an adoption plan for your unborn child. By actively choosing adoption, you can gain some control over your situation and help make decisions that give your unborn child the best opportunity for a great future. You can choose the adoptive family and the type of post-placement communication that you want.
Whether you make an adoption plan before or after you give birth, you always maintain the right to make those choices. It’s important to notify your caseworker and the hospital staff right away that you have an adoption plan for your baby. If CPS/DFS is called after your baby is born, inform them of your wishes to make a voluntary adoption plan and call us immediately at 815-307-0620.
It may not be possible to make an adoption plan once CPS/DFS opens a case or takes legal custody of your baby. Whenever possible, call us before you give birth to start the process of choosing an adoptive family and working with a legal professional to create your adoption plan, even if you’re not totally sure about your decision yet.
Is it possible to give an older child up for adoption?
Yes, it’s possible to give an older child up for adoption. In fact, it’s never too late to make an adoption plan for your child. Every parent faces different challenges and obstacles. If, for whatever reason, you feel it’s in your child’s best interest to place them for adoption, we can help. We have waiting families approved to adopt children up to age 5 and older.
Like with any voluntary adoption plan, you have the right to choose the adoptive family and the type of post-placement communication you wish to maintain with the family. Most of our adoptive families are open to an ongoing relationship with birth parents and biological family members, as well as at least one yearly in-person visit.
We work with highly experienced adoption professionals in every state to provide your family with support and counseling during the adoption process. Depending on your child’s age, an appropriate transition plan will be put in place to ensure the well-being of everyone involved.
Can I put a special needs baby up for adoption?
Yes, depending on your circumstances, you may come to the decision that adoption will provide your special needs child with the best opportunities in life. At LifeLong Adoptions, we have many families with all the resources and support needed to care for and raise a child with special needs.
When you decide to place a special needs child for adoption, you will be able to choose the adoptive family that best aligns with your values and wishes for your child. If the circumstances are especially unique, we will reach out to all of our waiting families with the details you provide and find a selection of families with the appropriate capabilities.
We work with highly experienced adoption professionals in every state. They will work closely with your family and the adoptive family to ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved.
Safe, secure & judgment-free adoption services for birthmothers
Can I make an adoption plan if I am homeless?
Yes, if you are pregnant and homeless, making an adoption plan is absolutely an option. With support from LifeLong Adoptions, you are never alone. We are here to help you learn about the options available to you, free of judgment and pressure, so you can make an informed decision that is best for you.
If you are experiencing homelessness, placing your baby for adoption can provide your child with a safe, stable environment where their needs are consistently met. You’ll have the opportunity to choose the adoptive family and maintain a relationship with them if you’d like. All of our adoptive families have gone through an extensive background check and completed an adoption home study to ensure they are emotionally and financially stable and fully prepared to adopt. Knowing that your child will grow up in a loving and supportive home can alleviate some of the stress you may be feeling and bring you peace of mind.
Throughout the process, you will have access to resources and birthmother financial assistance to cover counseling, temporary living expenses, food, clothing, and other pregnancy-related expenses. This support can provide you with stability during this difficult time so you can focus on working toward a more secure future for yourself.
Can I choose adoption if I am pregnant and experiencing addiction?
Yes, you can. We have many wonderful adoptive families open to any substance-use situation and we will help you create an adoption plan that ensures your child is placed in a stable and loving environment.
Even if you are struggling with addiction, choosing adoption means you are making a thoughtful, selfless, and brave decision for your child’s future. While drug screening is not required, being open and honest with us about any substance use during your pregnancy will only help us find the best family for you. We will NEVER judge you, punish you, or shame you in any way.
Along with offering help in choosing adoption, we can provide you with guidance and services like counseling and financial support as you navigate the adoption process. You will be in control of your adoption plan, such as choosing the family and the level of contact with them that you desire, before and after placement. Just like any other expectant mother considering adoption, you have options and you have the right to make an informed decision. Read our birthmother bill of rights for more information.
Can I choose adoption if my pregnancy was the result of a sexual assault?
If you’ve become pregnant as a result of a sexual assault, you’re probably experiencing a slew of emotions and uncertainty. Choosing adoption in this situation can provide you with the opportunity to heal and recover from your experience and help you focus on your own needs and well-being. It can empower you to take control of your situation and make decisions for you and your child, allowing you to have a say in your future and your child’s future.
If you decide to move forward with an adoption plan after an assault, you will have the opportunity to choose an amazing, loving family that fits whatever qualities you may be looking for. You will also be able to choose the level of contact that you'd like to have with them. You can also receive support services like counseling and financial support to help you on your path to healing and recovery.
We are here for you.
At LifeLong Adoptions, our caring and supportive coordinators are there for you every step of the way. Whatever decision you make, we will offer support, guidance, understanding, and assistance. Please contact us with any questions. Our coordinators are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Call or text anytime: 815-307-0620