Lesley Newton
Administrative Coordinator
Lesley joined this amazing team with a degree in Social Work from Carthage College and a heart for helping others. Lesley has previously worked as a case manager helping children find permanent homes with families but has always known she wanted to work in the adoption field. Lesley has witnessed the miracle of adoption in her own life, as she has four cousins who have been adopted, as well as her two nieces! Seeing how adoption can complete a family solidified Lesley’s desire to work in this field someday.
I support World Vision
Q&A with Lesley
What do you do at LifeLong?
I am an administrative coordinator at LifeLong Adoptions. I get to work alongside our adoptive parent coordinators and the rest of the team to ensure the information for our families is correct and up to date so they can be presented to as many expectant mothers as possible. I enjoy being in a role where I can put my attention to detail to good use!
When did you join the LifeLong team?
I joined this amazing team in October of 2016! The team here is the most dedicated, hardworking group of people I have had the pleasure of getting to work with, and I learn from them every day.
What motivates you to get up and go to work?
Getting to see families become a reality because of the selfless acts of the amazing and courageous birthmothers is truly inspiring. It's amazing to have a job where you can be a small part of this miracle!
What is your favorite inspirational, motivational, or positive-thinking quote?
Don't lose yourself in your fear.
What's your personal connection to adoption?
I have been so fortunate to have adoption be very prevalent in my family. I have four cousins who are adopted and, most recently, my brother and sister-in-law have adopted my two precious nieces! I have seen firsthand how adoption can complete a family in the most beautiful way.
What advice do you have for our waiting families?
There is so much unknown in adoption and very little that you can control. While waiting, take the time to learn as much as you can so you can be as prepared as possible when the time comes! Take advantage of your adoptive parent coordinator to learn everything you can!
What is your favorite family tradition?
Spending Christmas Eve with my large extended family, having our yearly smorgasbord at my grandparent's home.
What are you passionate about?
Music! I love getting to see a favorite band live and have been known to travel to do so. There is nothing like it!
What’s the greatest challenge you have had to overcome in your life thus far?
The passing of my mom. It taught me to never take anything for granted and to always let those we love know how we feel.
What do you like to do on your days off?
I enjoy getting to sleep in a little later than usual, watching a good movie, and spending time outside when I can!
What's your favorite TV show to binge-watch?
Friends & Diners, Drive-ins and Dives
What's your favorite movie quote?
"Carpe diem. Seize the day, make your lives extraordinary."