Liz Gentile photo

Liz Gentile

Director of Profiles & Education

Liz brings to LifeLong Adoptions a background in technical project management. She went to The University of Texas at Austin and got her degree in English with minors in communications and sociology. Liz had always dreamed of being part of an organization that assisted families, so after moving from Austin, Texas (Hook 'Em!) to Illinois, she began pursuing a job that was more meaningful for her. She started with LifeLong in 2014 and has loved every minute of her time with the agency. After having her son, Emmett, and then struggling with secondary infertility, she understands the loss, pain, and desire that families face when considering adoption. Liz is a vital part of continuously improving the adoption journey for adoptive families at LifeLong Adoptions.

Q&A with Liz

  • What do you do at LifeLong?

    Over the years I’ve done a little bit of everything, but I now manage our profile department and work with waiting adoptive parents, helping them feel educated about the process and what comes next once they've joined our program.

  • How long have you been with LifeLong?

    I started part-time in October 2014 as an administrative assistant and moved to full-time in April 2015 as an adoptive parent coordinator. I have absolutely loved my time with LifeLong and watching the company grow!

  • What motivates you to get up and go to work?

    My coworkers and the passion that we all have for adoption. It’s so inspiring to be around people that enjoy their jobs as much as I do. My family is also a huge motivator, I love that my son will grow up watching his mom do a job she loves.

  • What personal connection do you have with adoption?

    My mom’s best friend adopted her two daughters internationally. I remember greeting them at O’Hare when they flew home from Russia and have loved being a part of their lives as they’ve grown into young adults.

  • What advice do you have for our waiting families?

    Trust the process and continue to live your life outside of adoption. The more you focus on what you cannot control, the harder the process becomes.

  • What are you passionate about?

    Gymnastics. I was a competitive gymnast for 10 years and a gymnastics coach for 16 years. I have even coached part-time while working at LifeLong. I also am an avid reader and love to talk books.

  • What is one thing you cannot resist?

    Sour candy, any and all of it.

  • What books are at your bedside?

    My TBR list is far too long to list here! Usually, you can find a psychological thriller, World War II fiction, or beach read on my Kindle.

  • Favorite TV show to binge-watch?

    Friends. PIVOT!

Meet the Rest of the LifeLong Team