Tina Brandts
Admissions Coordinator
Tina joins LifeLong Adoptions as the Admissions Coordinator. Her own adoption at the older age of twelve provided unique, first-hand insight into the love, compassion, and commitment that encompasses adoption. It also fueled her passion for a career in which she could positively impact other people's lives. She has past experience in teaching and catastrophic insurance claims, where she was able to showcase her empathy and care for others. She greatly looks forward to doing the same for families through LifeLong. In her free time, Tina enjoys reading, watching movies, spending time with her husband and three children, and feasting on Twix bars. If she can enjoy all of those things simultaneously, it's a pretty perfect day!
Q&A with Maggie
What do you do at LifeLong?
Admissions Coordinator
When did you join the LifeLong team?
I joined the team in January of 2025.
What motivates you to get up and go to work?
My passion for helping others. I whole-heartedly agree with the quote, "Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life."
What is your favorite inspirational, motivational, or positive-thinking quote?
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou
What's your personal connection to adoption?
When I was young my birth father moved to another state and cut contact with me. My mom eventually remarried and my wonderful and loving step-father adopted me when I was 12 years old. While not what some may consider to be a "traditional" birth adoption, as an older adoptee, I was able to experience and understand the joyous impact adoption can have in all forms and at any time.
What advice do you have for our waiting families?
Keep an open heart, stay busy, enjoy sleeping in, and trust in our staff and the process.
Who inspires you and why?
I am inspired by people who have big dreams and aren't afraid to chase them.
What was the last experience that made you a stronger person?
Several years ago, I challenged myself to start running half-marathons - I blame turning 40. Of course, it was demanding physically, but I was most surprised by the mental and emotional challenges I encountered. During some of my longest runs of 16-17 miles, I had to dig deep to find the mental strength to keep going, often before my legs wanted to quit. It taught me the power of our minds to conquer difficult situations.
What’s your most memorable facepalm moment?
I'm not sure if it's a facepalm moment, but it's a fun story! While on vacation in Acapulco a few years ago, my husband, some friends, and I went on a dolphin swimming excursion. This was a top 'bucket list' item for me, so I was beyond excited. Long story short, the dolphin bit my foot. I had cuts and wounds that needed stitches, and the excursion ended early. No one had ever heard of a dolphin biting someone on the excursions, but, of course, it happened to me.
Where is your favorite place to be?
Home - specifically, snuggled under a comfy blanket, reading a good book, and eating snacks.
What's your favorite TV show to binge-watch?
Schitt's Creek — all day, every day.
What's your favorite movie quote?
"You is kind. You is smart. You is important." - The Help