At LifeLong Adoptions, we work with loving adoptive parents from a variety of backgrounds.
Each of our families has been carefully evaluated and legally approved to adopt.

Austin & Dylan

from Kentucky

Dominic & Patrick

from California

Ruben & Noel

from Washington

Edgar & Kearnan

Edgar & Kearnan

from California

Karin & Dan

from Indiana

Ashley & Jimmy

from Indiana

Andrew & Shasta

from Texas

Cody & Trenton

from North Carolina

Video Gordon & Neil

Gordon & Neil

from Michigan

Julie & Ray

from Pennsylvania

Justin & Robert

from Texas

Jennifer & Randy

from Florida


It’s Your Choice

Adoption profiles provide an opportunity for birthmothers to find adoptive parents that best connect with their values and expectations. All families looking to adopt through our services come from stable, safe, and loving homes and all different backgrounds. Search our adoption profiles by family type, location, and religion to find prospective parents who can give your baby the best possible future. Look through our adoption profiles and learn more about each adoptive parent through their personal videos and thoughtfully written words.

When you find an adoptive family that offers the best fit for your baby, contact us and we will connect them with you. Our coordinators are also available to answer questions about adoptive parents, choosing adoption profiles, or the next steps in the adoption process.

Considering Adoption?

Adoption is a selfless and loving decision, and it’s one of the hardest choices that birthmothers make. At LifeLong Adoptions, we can provide free information and resources for birthmothers who are considering adoption as an option. Our coordinators are available to birthmothers 24/7 and are reachable by text, email, live chat, or phone.

Request Free Information
Need Help? Call or Text: 224-410-0522

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