dear expectant mother
Dear Expectant Mother,
We are elated to be considered as adoptive parents for your child. We are well aware that this is never an easy decision. Please know that we recognize that the decision is made with love and that we respect all the thought and emotion that is part of the process of choosing adoption for your child. Your child will absolutely join a loving home with us. We are very family oriented and maintain close relationships with our immediate and extended families.
Meal time, bath time, and stories at bedtime are all important family bonding opportunities we are eager to embrace. We both love puzzles and building blocks. We imagine creating large buildings and imaginary lands with our child that will cover the entire floor.
We have regular visits and dinners with relatives and always spend time together on holidays. As our child grows and develops interests, we will foster and support those activities. We believe that some activities are fine; however, we will be cautious to not overschedule their life. Our goal is to raise a confident and self-sufficient person who knows they are loved and valued. We will support our child in whatever they choose to do for a career, whether that path includes college or a trade.
Thank you for considering us as parents. It is an enormous gift for which our appreciation of the trust being bestowed upon us can never be fully expressed.
Simon and Emily