dear expectant mother
Dear Expectant Mother,
As we contemplate your journey, we’re deeply touched by the courage, strength, and love it takes to consider placing your baby in our family. It’s an extraordinarily gracious and loving gesture. We honor your bravery and recognize that many women would not do what you’ve chosen to do, and we’re forever humbled knowing our family may grow because of your willingness to entrust your child to us.
If we’re blessed to raise your little one, we’ll give him or her all the love we have in our hearts and every opportunity for learning and exploration. We’ll share our passion for music (singing karaoke in the piano room is a favorite family activity), and he or she will have the chance to take music lessons or just play around with instruments for fun. We’ll teach your child to swim, ski, and play tennis (or soccer, basketball, baseball, or fencing—whatever he or she prefers!). Your little one will spend plenty of time outdoors and will learn to fish with Uncle Mark and Uncle Tommy off the pier in our backyard. We also travel frequently, so your baby will visit many regions of our lovely country along with other parts of the world.
Grandma is a retired school librarian, so she knows all the best children’s literature. Actually, she already has boxes of books purchased for your baby! Your little one will be tucked in with a bedtime story (or two or three!) every night.
Thank you once again for considering us. We are so very grateful.
Karin & Dan