dear expectant mother
We truly appreciate that you checked out our profile! We can’t imagine how difficult it must be to consider an adoption plan. You have an incredible heart in order to decide to provide the best for your baby. It’s courageous to go down this path, and we are eager to understand your journey and honor your wishes.
We are truly fortunate to be able to travel and try new things. Our travels have shaped us into the people we are today, and the idea of sharing these experiences with a child is beautiful. There's a unique joy in seeing the world through a child's eyes, in rediscovering the wonder of a sunset or the excitement of a new story. A child’s natural curiosity about all of life’s creatures and workings is contagious. We look forward to revisiting places that created happy memories as well as sharing our favorite books. We want to provide a home filled with learning, love, and laughter.