dear expectant mother
From the bottom of our hearts, we want to express our gratitude to you for considering entrusting us with the privilege of becoming parents. Words cannot express how indebted we would be if we get to finally become dads. We know this decision to consider an adoption plan for your child is not easy, but we want you to take comfort in knowing that if you choose us, we will love, nurture, and care for your child for the rest of our lives.
We promise to always be a great support team, role models, and friends. We will be there for the good times and the bad times; no matter what comes along, we will love this child. We have a big support system in our lives and just know there will always be so much love and care surrounding this child. Our child will be spoiled by so many members of our families. They will never hesitate should we need help or support for anything.
We are excited and hope you give us a chance to experience being parents to this child. Again, there are no words to say how grateful we are. We thank you for considering us as parents to your child, and we look forward to the next chapter of our lives, when we will add an additional member to our family and fill each page of this chapter full of memories.