Our adoption profile

Catie & Seth

Family Type: Heterosexual Couple
State We live in: Virginia

dear expectant mother

You are pretty incredible. We can tell because you are considering this path for you and your child. We are grateful for your courageous decision and for learning more about us. Our future child will know how their mother chose this path based on her profound love and bravery; her selflessness made us a family. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and hopefully by the end, you feel in your heart that we are meant to parent your child.

Our desire to adopt is fueled by us both having been on the receiving end of loving, caring parents and growing up in stable, nurturing households. We are both a product of these upbringings, and we would strive to create a similar environment for our own children. At the same time, we realize what an important and difficult decision this is, and we want to help you gain comfort with that decision. We promise you we will love your child unconditionally, give them a happy life, and help them become a good person. We want them to thrive and will give them every opportunity to pursue their dreams. We hope you will find comfort in knowing that if you choose us, your child will have an amazing life and you will make our dreams come true. Hopefully our story connects with you and we have a chance to find out if we are a good match for your little one!

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and hopefully by the end, you feel in your heart that we are meant to parent your child.

-Catie & Seth

About Us

We are Catie and Seth from Virginia! We like to think of ourselves as loving, intelligent, responsible, and funny people (unless our friends and family have been lying to us). We met in 2015 at a friend’s birthday party and have been in love ever since. We got married in 2019, bought a house, and adopted two cats. Music is an important part of our lives. Seth plays many instruments, and Catie likes to sing along. We have been victorious at solving all the escape rooms we have entered. Both of us also enjoy the outdoors, doing things like camping, hiking, and swimming. We love our jobs very much and have been with our companies for a long time. The companies we work for support a positive work–life balance and offer great family benefits.

Our Home & Pets

Laughter fills our home as we enjoy joking around and being goofy while doing everyday activities together, like cooking dinner and taking walks. Our home is in a charming but bustling suburban neighborhood just outside of a major metropolitan city in northern Virginia. We live in a cozy three-bedroom house with a good-sized backyard. We can walk to schools, cafes, parks, and the local waterfront. Our two cats are the cutest and most well-behaved cats on Earth. A veterinarian once called them “purrfect.” You can always see one of them in a window if you walk by our house.

Our Extended Family

We live very close to Seth’s mom and dad, and we love seeing them often. Seth has a twin brother in California who is also a software engineer and an older sister in South Carolina who is a ballerina. Seth’s sister recently had a baby with her husband, and we are lucky to be the godparents! We get together about once or twice a year. We enjoy swimming in our parents’ pool and eating delicious meals together made by Seth’s mom.

We also live close to Catie’s father and stepfather, and we are lucky that we get to spend time with them often. Catie’s mom and stepfather live in North Carolina on a beautiful river. Catie has a younger brother who lives in California with his wife, and they just had a baby boy right before Christmas. Catie’s parents divorced when she was young, but they remain the best of friends and continue to spend every Christmas together as a family, both stepfathers included! Catie has a huge extended family across the United States. They are super fun, are super competitive, and always find a reason to assemble once a year (like a wedding or anniversary). At every holiday gathering, the family plays a competitive set of games for prizes. Reindeer Games is a huge hit for all ages at Christmastime.

What Led Us To Adoption

We believe everything happens for a reason. Adoption is something we have always talked about and been excited for. After trying unsuccessfully to conceive through fertility treatments, we know we are meant to build our family through adoption. We also have an abundance of family and friends who have been eagerly supporting our journey. We are blessed to have such a solid network of loved ones.

more about Catie

more about Catie

HR Professional
BA in history
Chicken parmesan
Crafts, gardening, music
What About Bob?
Favorite Tradition:
Reindeer Games
Christmas Eve
Music Group:
Avett Brothers
TV Show:
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:
Any beach

more about Seth

more about Seth

Software Engineer
BS in software engineering
Collecting coins, video games, music
Wayne’s World
Favorite Tradition:
Easter brunch
Ice hockey
New Year’s Eve
Music Group:
They Might Be Giants
TV Show:
Subject in School:
Computer science
Dream Vacation:
Any beach

Contact Catie & Seth

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