Our adoption profile

Logan & Colleen

Family Type: Heterosexual Couple
State We live in: Pennsylvania

dear expectant mother

Dear Expectant Mother,

Thank you for taking the time to consider adoption and to read our letter and our profile. We are honored and blessed to even be considered to raise your child. Starting the journey into adoption, we imagine, can be daunting on both sides. With that being said, although we don’t know you yet, we already consider you to be so brave to be considering this decision.

We are ready to burst with anticipation at the thought of raising another child who would be a sibling and ally to our first adopted son, Beau. What creates most of this excitement is the prospect of building memories among our family and with our extended family and friends. We have always known we would love raising a child, and our time with Beau has been more enjoyable than we ever imagined. We have such a great bond with Beau, and we yearn to create that bond with another member of our family. Since having children naturally isn’t in the cards for us, we know another adoption is the way to make this happen. When we entered into the adoption process the first time, it took a lot of soul-searching and conversation, but now that we have one son, we are not hesitating to find Beau his new best friend. We would be so honored and grateful if you helped us make that happen.

Thank you for taking the time to consider adoption and to read our letter and our profile. We are honored and blessed to even be considered to raise your child.

-Logan & Colleen

About Us

Our names are Colleen and Logan, and we have been happily married for over ten years. We are so lucky to have found in each other our best friend and romantic partner. We have a son, Beau, whom we adopted in 2020. He is 2 and a half years old now, and we love playing and laughing with him. We enjoy taking him to the park, out to ride his trike, or to see his extended family. Colleen works in retail management, and Logan works as a public safety supervisor, and will soon be attending graduate school with the goal of becoming a professional mental health therapist. We both carry a good deal of responsibility in our professional lives, but we are fortunate to have such an enriching home life with each other and our son.

Our Home & Pets

We have a two-story, four-bedroom colonial house in a suburb about 20 minutes outside of a fairly large major city. We are about two blocks from a large park with two playgrounds, tennis courts, baseball fields, and open fields. Our yard and the park are perfect for throwing a football or baseball around. We are big proponents of children remaining active. We have one dog, Eddie, to help with that mission. Eddie is a German shepherd/Lab mix, and he loves running around and playing with toys. He is great with Beau. Beau follows him around like crazy, and we suspect Beau may like him better than either of us!

Our Extended Family

We are both products of a tight-knit family. Logan comes from a family of three boys, of which he is the youngest, and Colleen comes from a family of three girls, of which she is the oldest. Recently, Logan’s brother moved to the city near where we live and has been one of Beau’s best buddies! We do not take time with family for granted. We routinely schedule time with Colleen’s sisters, our nieces and nephews, and her parents, normally for dinner and perhaps a movie or watching a local sporting event on TV.

Colleen’s extended family is very large, so we look forward to several annual events in which the entire family gets together. Normally, the kids go off and play games and run around while the adults catch up and carry on with one another. Every time, the kids leave ready to fall asleep on the ride home, and they always have a blast. We can’t wait to add another kid to that mix!

Logan’s family, while spread out across the country, is equally as supportive and can’t wait to spend time with our child. One takeaway from both of our families: Our bond is strong, and there isn’t much we wouldn’t do for one another.

Our Adoption Story

Our dream as a family is to love, teach and raise another child. We would love for Beau to have an ally and playmate. Adopting and raising Beau has been our biggest accomplishment, and having that experience once more would be a dream. We have never been able to conceive naturally, but now we know that such a limitation does not prevent us from being excellent, devoted parents. We can’t wait to share treasured moments with another child, to go on all kinds of adventures with him or her, and to create very special memories that last a lifetime.

more about Logan

more about Logan

Public safety supervisor
Bachelor’s in political science and psychology
Chipotle chicken burritos
Learning guitar, running
Favorite Tradition:
Colleen’s family’s annual Christmas party
Ice hockey
Music Group:
Metallica, Umphrey’s McGee
TV Show:
Better Call Saul
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:
Aruba - where we spent our honeymoon!

more about Colleen

more about Colleen

Retail manager
Roman Catholic
Bachelor’s in communications
Cooking and baking
Good Will Hunting
Favorite Tradition:
St. Patrick’s Day parade
St. Patrick’s Day
Music Group:
TV Show:
Sex and the City
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:

Contact Logan & Colleen

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