dear expectant mother
We can only imagine how anxious you must feel while determining the right home for your child to grow up and be loved in. We want you to know your child will always be your perfect creation, and we will do our part to protect that perfection.
As a pediatrician, Danny has dedicated his life to the advocacy and protection of children and their families. As an educated teacher and coach, Levi helps children grow and reach their full academic and athletic potential in a supportive and encouraging manner. We want you to know your child will be raised with a sense of responsibility and pride toward themselves, their family, the ranch they care for, the neighbors they support, and the friends they laugh with. We believe it really does take a village to raise a child, and our village is strong, safe, and supportive. Our love for family is unconditional, our love is honest, and our love extends to people outside our immediate family.
Your child will be raised attending an Episcopal church and Sunday school. Our faith is important to us and a cornerstone in our marriage. We will foster that in your child as well. We will raise your child to be a community leader, an example student, a trustworthy teammate, and a leader among their peers with regard to integrity and honor.
Your child will be safe, your child will be loved, and your child will be raised to be responsible.