Our adoption profile

Heidi & Cam

Family Type: Heterosexual Couple
State We live in: Arizona

dear expectant mother

Dear Expectant Mother,

We can only imagine how hard this process is for you. We know you are making this decision with a loving and selfless heart. We also know you are about to give the most precious and life-changing gift imaginable. What a brave act. We want you to know you and your baby are the most important part of this process.

We come into this journey with open hearts and minds, without expectations. We feel fortunate we always knew adoption was our path, and with that, we come to you and the journey we embark on together with compassion. We are sensitive and strong, so we will share tears of joy and sorrow with you, words of encouragement, and strength when you need it.

We know you are scared; we are too. And that’s okay. It’s natural to be scared of the unknown, the path less traveled, the emotional path. So let’s do this together.

Thank you for considering us!

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It’s a dream of ours to raise a family, and we are passionate about providing a loving home for a child.

-Heidi & Cam

About Us

Hi! We are Cam and Heidi. We met eight years ago and knew immediately we had found our person. A year later, we were married in Central Park. Cam has two daughters, both grown now, and Heidi always knew one day she wanted to adopt. We feel like it’s the perfect time in our lives, careers, and family to welcome a child into our hearts and home. We are both in sales. Cam is a regional sales manager for a large construction company, and Heidi is in technology sales, which she has been doing for over 15 years. We have a strong work ethic and a great group of friends and family, but what we love most is being at home with our dogs and a fat cat. :)

Our Home & Pets

We bought our home when we moved in 2018 to the same town where Heidi grew up in Arizona. We have a beautiful four-bedroom home in a safe, family-oriented neighborhood near parks and running/biking paths. We live around a lot of families with kids of all ages and excellent schools. We work from home and live with our rescue dogs: gentle Dex and cuddly Scoots. Last but not least is Echo, a sweet, chunky black kitty. And we can’t forget Cam’s saltwater fish tank that is home to seven fish.

Our Extended Family

Heidi comes from a small but close family of four. She and her younger brother by two years grew up with parents who owned their own mom and pop music store. Heidi’s brother and family live in Oregon, and we are godparents to their son. Heidi’s mom lives about a mile from our home in Arizona.

Cam comes from a large blended and loving family, including his oldest brother, who is adopted. Most of Cam’s family live in Oregon, including his two grown daughters. We are fortunate we get to visit and have them visit us on a regular basis.

As a family, we enjoy celebrating holidays together, vacationing, and laughing! We always host Thanksgiving at our home and love when both sides of the family get to come. We have a lot of great cooks in the family, so we love spending time together around a home-cooked meal. We are very blessed to have such a supportive and encouraging family around us.

What Led Us To Adoption

Family is very important to us. We talked about adoption very early on in our relationship and knew it would always be part of our plan. It’s a dream of ours to raise a family, and we are passionate about providing a loving home for a child. Cam had a reverse vasectomy a year and a half ago, but we were unable to get pregnant. When our doctor suggested a fertility doctor, we knew that was not our path. Since adoption was always our intention and getting pregnant wasn’t happening naturally, we knew immediately it was time to start our family through adoption.

more about Heidi

more about Heidi

Regional sales manager
Bachelor’s degree
Working out
Garden State
Favorite Tradition:
Hosting Thanksgiving for the entire family
Dance jam
Music Group:
The Lumineers
TV Show:
Reality TV, cooking shows
Midnight Library
Subject in School:
Creative writing
Dream Vacation:

more about Cam

more about Cam

Regional sales manager
High school
Fish tank, gardening
The Burbs
Favorite Tradition:
Thanksgiving Day dishes
Music Group:
All ’90s hip hop
More of a movie buff
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:
Any beach, anywhere, anytime

Contact Heidi & Cam

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