dear expectant mother
We want to acknowledge your courage and will be there to support you every step of the way throughout this journey if you choose us. Your consideration of us is deeply appreciated, and we wish to honor your courage and selfless act of considering adoption. You can rest assured that your baby will have a supporting, loving, and accepting home in which they may feel encouraged and empowered to be as courageous as you are.
Our love together knows no bounds, and we will extend all that love and support to our future child. We both share a healthy sense of adventure, which will be encouraged and passed on to our child through weekend hikes in the Shenandoah Valley, traveling to visit friends and family, and sharing new experiences in our local community, just to name a few. We cannot wait to share our passions for reading, music, and learning new things as we grow together as a family.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our story and getting to know us! While it is difficult to fit our entire lives into this simple profile, we hope this provides you with a glimpse of who we are and why we would be loving, supportive fathers. We have a wonderful life together but are seeking the final piece to make our family complete. Hopefully our story connects with you and we can have a chance to find out if we are a good match for your little one!