dear expectant mother
It feels as if thanking you for looking at our page is insignificant, but we want to acknowledge your journey and say thank you with all our hearts for considering us. We have not walked on your path and cannot imagine what you are going through while reading our profile. The decision to explore adoption is something we don’t think we can fully comprehend. Gratefulness does not even begin to cover our emotions surrounding this. We recognize how difficult this process is, and we want to share a bit of our hearts with you.
You will always be the person who gave this wonderful human being life. They will know of you and any part of your story you would like shared. Any child will know how honored you made us feel in choosing us to raise them. We would make this child our priority, sharing in their delight and their sorrows. We will strive to be their safe place and their support throughout their life. We want you to know a child in our home will be cherished. Their hopes and dreams will be our hopes and dreams. They will feel secure in our love for them. We want nothing more than to expand our family. If you find your heart opening to us, we would love the opportunity to get to know your personal story.