Our adoption profile

Megan & Jesse

Family Type: Lesbian Couple
State We live in: Ohio

dear expectant mother

We understand this is an incredibly emotional and significant time for you, and we want to express our deepest gratitude for considering adoption as an option for your precious baby. Your courage and selflessness are truly admirable.

As prospective adoptive parents, we have been on a journey filled with hope, anticipation, and unwavering love. Our hearts are open, and our home is ready to embrace a new life. We have dreamed of becoming parents, and the possibility of welcoming your child into our family fills us with both excitement and humility. Our promise to you is to love and cherish your child unconditionally and to provide a stable and secure home where they can feel safe and encouraged to express their own individuality. We dream of teaching your child about kindness, empathy, and the beauty of the world, taking them on many adventures, and teaching them skills they can pass on to their children one day. We promise to create a life filled with love, joy, laughter, and endless possibilities.

Thank you for considering us. We eagerly await the opportunity to meet you and learn more about your hopes and dreams for your baby. Please know our hearts are open and we are ready to embrace this incredible journey together.

Our promise to you is to love and cherish your child unconditionally and to provide a stable and secure home where they can feel safe and encouraged to express their own individuality.

-Megan & Jesse

About Us

Hello! We are Megan and Jessica from Ohio. We met over ten years ago at a car dealership where we both worked. After a few conversations over lunch, we started dating, and the rest is history. We have now been married for seven years and have built a wonderful life together. Megan has been an automotive technician for 12 years, and Jesse has been the office manager at the BMV for ten years. We are both hard working and motivated but also love to take time to spend moments with our family and friends. We love to travel and explore new places, but our happy place is at the lake on our boat. We find that our opposite traits are a perfect balance to each other and support one another through all of life's ups and downs.

Our Home & Pets

We bought our first home almost six years ago. We love the open layout with plenty of space for entertaining and hosting lots of gatherings. We often host holiday dinners for family and friends. We picked this area because it is close to both of our families. We are close to a popular and well-known amusement park and also a state park, where we love to go boating. Our dogs, Hank and Princess, love to run and play fetch in the backyard. Hank is our four-year-old yellow Lab, who is a gentle giant who just loves love. Princess is our eight-year-old mixed breed who loves nothing more than for us to throw the ball for hours on end.

Our Extended Family

We both come from very large families, and both of our parents divorced and remarried, which brought even more bonus family members into our lives. Both sides of our families love to come together for social gatherings and special events such as holidays and birthday celebrations. We love to have an excuse to come together and celebrate with lots of food and laughter. Megan grew up boating and going to the lake on big trips, which we have continued.

Megan has three brothers and two sisters, and Jesse has two brothers and one sister. We both are very active in each of our siblings' lives. Both of our parents and close relatives all live close by, providing lots of time together. All together we have 12 nieces and nephews. We also have lots of extended family who span the entire U.S. Our families are so excited for us to add to our big blended family.

What Led Us To Adoption

We both come from large, loving families, so wanting to start a family of our own has always been a mutual desire. After multiple unsuccessful rounds of fertility treatments, we made the decision to look into adoption. Looking back on our long, hard journey, we have come to realize this is potentially a blessing in disguise. Being able to have an opportunity to give a child a loving and caring home and giving them all the love we have to give would be the greatest joy of our lives. We have always tried to stay positive through all the ups and downs, and we truly believe everything has led us to this point for a reason.

more about Megan

more about Megan

Automotive Technician
Trade school
Restoring cars/bikes
El Dorado
Favorite Tradition:
Football, baseball
Music Group:
Taylor Swift
TV Show:
American Pickers
Any history book
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:

more about Jesse

more about Jesse

Office Manager
High school
Reading, cooking
Pretty Woman
Favorite Tradition:
Music Group:
Taylor Swift
TV Show:
British Baking Show
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:

Contact Megan & Jesse

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