Our adoption profile

Paige & AJ

Family Type: Lesbian Couple
State We live in: South Carolina

dear expectant mother

Dear Expectant Mom,

We’d like to start by telling you how proud we are of you for exploring a decision as selfless as this one. We are grateful for this life you are creating that someday may become the center of our entire world. Most importantly, we are in awe of the courageous individual you are to simply be brave enough to give this tiny human the most beautiful shot at life they could ever dream of having.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time to view our profile and allowing us this opportunity. We want to give a child a lifelong feeling of unconditional love through time, endless belly laughs, cuddle tickles, patience, home-cooked meals, and the love their parents share in the house they call home. It’s true when they say a house is just a house until you pour love into your home. We cannot quite convey just how much we aspire to be parents that this child will know, wholeheartedly, are their number one fans for life. We hope you’ll consider us for your little one.

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We cannot quite convey just how much we aspire to be parents that this child will know, wholeheartedly, are their number one fans for life. We hope you’ll consider us for your little one.

-Paige & AJ

About Us

Howdy! We were both born on the East Coast. We love the ocean, boat riding on the weekends, riding our side by side, Buffalo Bills football in the fall, and hosting large family cookouts. We are both campground managers, so we have camped and traveled to many places and have many more bucket list locations to go. We love to call ourselves weekend warriors and have hit many large cities and cool towns on small Friday-Sunday trips. Holidays are our happy time, and we enjoy decorating our home for all the different holidays and seasons. AJ is a certified Vinyasa yoga instructor on top of our jobs and teaches yoga in her spare time while also practicing the flow. Paige is a sports fanatic. She enjoys watching sports of all kinds, plays league softball, and coaches her niece in softball as well. We believe in family to our core, and we host our family get-togethers on Sundays just to get the family together often. Our famous saying is “We don’t live a life of chaos; we live a full life surrounded by a lot of love.”

Our Home & Pets

Our home is quite easily our favorite place to be, our safe haven. We have family portraits and fun decor to celebrate different holidays and seasons. We’ve seasoned it with creativity and an atmosphere that everyone we know finds to be an escape where they feel comfortable because it feels like home to them and us. We live in a three-bedroom, two-bathroom home at the campground, where we are surrounded by three pools, a splash pad, a giant-sized trampoline, beach access, afternoon golf cart rides, and tons of kids who are always excited to play. Our school district has options from normal high school to offering kids job-ready careers before they graduate from high school. We have two fur babies that are full of life and energy and always ready to make new friends. They are French bulldogs named Jukes and Gucci. Jukes is a 28-pound couch potato, and Gucci is a 30-pound puppy who is an energetic love bug that loves to play fetch.

Our Extended Family

AJ is from the North, where her family lives.We take three to four trips up north a year to visit and spend time with her family there. They all love the holidays, football games, spaghetti Sunday dinners, and snow days. They have engraved so much love while still at a distance by sending cards, facetime visits, and vacations home when we can.

Paige has a large extended family in the South. We are huge on family dinners, camping trips together, and holiday gatherings, and we even take a full family vacation once a year to get us all together. We are blessed to live within 20 miles of each other, so random stop-ins and weeknight dates are on the books often. There are too many members to count, but as we’ve said, we live a full life surrounded by many people. This baby will be raised by us and our extended village, who cannot wait to spoil them!

What Led Us To Adoption

Adoption has always been the option for us. We’ve always believed there are babies who need us as much as we need them. Paige’s family comes from the roots of adoption, and her sister and many cousins were adopted. Her sister was one of four who all were put up for adoption together, and all were adopted by Paige's family members. It was a beautiful gift that we all were proud of. It set the tone for adoption and why we knew this was the route we desired to take. We raise Paige’s niece as our own and have since she was eight; she’s now 14. Trinity has made a home with us. Blood isn’t the root of a family; unconditional love is, and our hearts burst to give and receive that.

more about Paige

more about Paige

General manager
Bachelor's Degree
Chicken pastry
Saturday boat days
Big Daddy
Favorite Tradition:
Sunday afternoon gatherings
Softball, football
Music Group:
Country music
TV Show:
The Golden Girls
Judie B. Jones
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:

more about AJ

more about AJ

Operations manager
Master degree, MSW
Hiking, yoga, beach
Finding Nemo
Favorite Tradition:
Yearly vacations
Music Group:
Goo Goo Dolls
TV Show:
Subject in School:
Social studies
Dream Vacation:

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