Our adoption profile

Rachel & Joey

Family Type: Heterosexual Couple
State We live in: Illinois

dear expectant mother

Thank you for taking the time to read our profile. We know you must be facing a number of complex emotions about this process. We’ve dreamed of having a family of our own to love and nurture, and that wouldn’t be possible without your special gift. There’s so much beauty in that, but we know it isn’t that simple. We want to come alongside you and do this with you because we care about you as much as we care about your baby. Our hearts are open to your desires for your child. We want you to be able to play whatever part you wish in your child’s life.

Since we’ve dreamed of this for so long, we can guarantee we will love your child fiercely and will provide them with as many opportunities as we can for them to learn, grow, and become exactly who they were meant to be. We want to teach them the value of education, diversity, and empathy. We desire for your child to grow up with a strong sense of identity as well as a strong commitment to community. We want to help give them tools to confidently navigate a world that isn’t perfect while also teaching them that life can be full of joy and peace.

We are so grateful to you for even considering us enough to read our whole letter. We ache for a child of our own, and you could make that possible. That is incredibly humbling, and we are eternally grateful.

With love,
Rachel and Joey

We want to come alongside you and do this with you because we care about you as much as we care about your baby.

-Rachel & Joey

About Us

We’re people who love other people. Everything we do is motivated by that. We met in college, and after our first date, we both knew we’d found something special! Rachel enjoys reading mystery novels and doing crafty things like embroidery. She also enjoys dancing salsa and tango, and we especially love it when we get to dance together. Joey loves playing the guitar and all things music. Our favorite activity together is probably cuddling up on the couch to watch TV. Just recently, we learned we love to travel! Because of our travels, we’ve developed a love for trying foods from around the world. Joey’s favorite part is trying to recreate them at home. Joey is an electrical engineer who designs medical equipment, and Rachel is a tailor at an alteration shop. We have so much joy and excitement for this journey of expanding our family!

Our Home

In 2021 we bought our three-bedroom dream home in southern Illinois. Our living room windows look out over a small lake that is always attracting deer, geese, and other wildlife. Since we live in the middle of town, it’s fun to frequently see this wildlife in our backyard. Our street is quiet, and the neighborhood kids often play ball or ride their bikes in front of our house. Right down the street from us is one of the largest parks in town, with trails, playgrounds, and grassy areas perfect for picnics. In addition to a local children’s museum, farmers market, and two public libraries, we live about 30 minutes from a larger city that has many free attractions for families.

Our Extended Family

We feel lucky to have loving, supportive families and loving friends who feel like family. Our immediate family members all live close by. Rachel’s mom and sister even live right down the street! Our extended families live out of town, but we get together for all the holidays and big occasions. Lately we’ve been hosting extended family at our house, and it always brings us joy when our home is filled with people! Our favorite thing about gathering with our families is the never-ending laughter when we all stay up late to talk or play games.

Since we’ve been married, we’ve been blessed to see our two families blend into one! New holiday traditions were born as everyone gathered under one roof. We’ve also made some amazing friends through our church. Many of our friends have young children, and the support we feel from them as we begin our adoption journey is overwhelming in the best way.

What Led Us To Adoption

We’ve dreamed of growing our family through adoption since we were dating. Both of us love kids and have felt the desire to be parents since we were young. Over the last four years of marriage, we’ve been blessed to mentor two children, and having them be part of our lives has opened our hearts in so many ways. We get to love them as if they were our own, but at the end of the day, it’s hard when they have to go home. We feel this deepening desire to be the ones a child comes home to. Our hearts are filled with hope and longing for this family of our own that we’ll get to love, protect, and nurture.

more about Rachel

more about Rachel

Caucasian & Native American
Bachelor’s degree in special education
Anything chocolate
Reading, embroidery
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
Favorite Tradition:
Spending holidays with my grandparents
Music Group:
Jonah Baker
TV Show:
Friends, The Office
The Library of Lost and Found
Subject in School:
Contemporary literature
Dream Vacation:
Somewhere beautiful with a good book

more about Joey

more about Joey

Medical device engineer
Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering
Ice cream
Music, cooking
Favorite Tradition:
Opening one gift on Christmas Eve
College football
Music Group:
Mayday Parade
TV Show:
Schitt’s Creek
Flowers for Algernon
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:
Traveling Europe

Contact Rachel & Joey

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