dear expectant mother
Dear Expectant Mother,
First, please know you are blessed beyond measure for the gift of a child and your willingness to consider the road of adoption. Second, please know that many are praying for you and your child even though we don’t know anything specifically about you. May God bless you and bring you peace and comfort in this time and all your years to come.
We appreciate the difficult decisions you face and are humbled by your courage to consider embarking on the unknowns of adoption. Emotions can be difficult to put into words: excitement and sorrow, joy and heartache, all bundled into one small, growing baby. We are grateful for the opportunity to get to know you better through this journey, but we are also scared and nervous. The unknown can be frightening, but please know we intend to walk with you in this journey, as you see fit. As parents, we intend to raise this child with love and compassion as well as teach them the importance of hard work and the joys of relaxation and kinship with friends and family.
Thank you for your love for this baby. Thank you for your caring and compassionate decision to give birth to this baby. Thank you for your strength to enter into adoption. Thank you for choosing to learn more about us.
Looking forward to furthering this journey,
Evan and Sami Jo