dear expectant mother
You are such a brave, strong, and thoughtful woman to consider adoption for your child. The bravery it takes to go through a pregnancy is so remarkable. We admire the strength of conviction you must have to make such a difficult decision. We want to work with you in whatever capacity you need as you and your child go through this journey. Together we can make a beautiful life for your baby.
We appreciate you so much for reading our profile and considering us as a family for your child. We want you to know you and your child are very much welcome and wanted in our lives. If you choose us, we will take every day and opportunity to make sure your child knows how much they are appreciated, loved, and supported. They will know they are our first and most precious priority.
We look forward to sharing our family traditions with them, seeing the world through their eyes, teaching them, and showing them the world. We also want to share things that are important to you for them to experience. No matter who they are, who they become, or the decisions they make, we will always be in their corner cheering for them. We will make sure they know they are every bit as brave, strong, and thoughtful as their mother is.