Our adoption profile

Tobas & Lauren

Family Type: Heterosexual Couple
State We live in: Louisiana

dear expectant mother

We know this is a very complicated moment for you. You are doing the best you can, and what may seem like an uncomfortable decision may actually be one of the most supportive choices you can make for yourself.

No matter how much we may prepare, life is full of the unexpected. Sometimes these more challenging moments can lead to something absolutely beautiful. We know you have many beautiful moments on the horizon, and your decision has the ability to bring an immense amount of bliss to our lives. We cannot wait to love, nurture, and educate a child. We are floating while thinking about being able to give our whole hearts to raising this little one. We cannot wait to be parents! We are ready to talk a child through tantrums, help them learn how to drive a car, and even meet their first love—yikes! We hope you know that however you choose to pursue this process, we are on your side. We support you.

Whether you decide to have an open adoption, closed, or something in between, we will forever be grateful to you if you bless us with this gift. There is no doubt that whatever the arrangement, we will respect your needs and recognize the needs of this young life. We are honored to simply be considered in your journey.

About Us

We first met when we sat next to one another in a college history class. We kept being assigned partner work, and even though we were initially annoyed by each other, we gradually warmed up. Now we have been together for 12 years! Today we are both in our early thirties. Lauren is currently studying for her Ph.D. in early childhood education. She was recently asked by a local preschool to design an outdoor program, so her year has been dedicated to getting that up and running. Tobas is passionate about community activism, and he has worked in homeless services for almost ten years. He recently completed his Master of Social Work degree and now works at a public health clinic. Our family spends a lot of time outside gardening, hiking, swimming, canoeing…anything outdoors. If we are not in our city, we are traveling. We love to travel and will often take weekend road trips.

Our Home & Pets

We love animals and often pet sit for our friends. We have our own dog, Barqs, a six-year-old blue heeler mix. Barqs is very friendly and joins us on our adventures. We live in Lauren’s hometown and have a strong network of friends and family in the area. Our house is on a well-known artsy street in a popular Southern city, where people often visit for vacations and music. We have lived in the same home for six years now and love our location and community. We are walking distance from grocery stores, parks, the streetcar, and several schools.

Our Extended Family

Lauren’s mother lives nearby, and we see her at least once a week, if not more. She loves children and is dying to spoil this new grandchild; she has been talking about it since we joined LifeLong Adoptions. Lauren’s dad lives on the California coast but was raised in the city where we live, so he visits all of the time. Lauren’s extended family lives in the Midwest and Cajun country. We love to visit them as much as we can.

We make frequent trips to visit Tobas’s family in Washington and Oregon. We enjoy taking road trips out to the Northwest for these visits. Tobas’s brother recently had his first child, and we rushed out to Washington to see the new baby as soon as we could. Tobas’s extended family lives scattered across the country and Europe. They are very close despite the distance and check in weekly by phone as well as share photos constantly. Tobas was raised speaking German and learned Spanish from his childhood friends. We have made several trips to visit his family in Germany, Wales, and England. All of our parents are retired at this time, and they are excited for the opportunity to welcome a new child to the family.

What Led Us To Adoption

Since we decided we wanted children, we knew we wanted to adopt. In both of our jobs, we witness what it takes to be a caring and compassionate caretaker. Now that we feel financially able to support a child, we are starting our adoption process. Initially we looked into the foster system, but we ultimately decided we could not commit to a process where we were not sure if the child we raised would stay with us. This path has brought us to LifeLong Adoptions. We know we could easily love a child we raise as much as we could our own biological child. As we embark on this journey, we want to use our knowledge and love to support any child who joins our family.

more about Tobas

more about Tobas

Social services, public health
Soft shell crab po’ boy
Gardening, reading political theory
Good Fellas
Favorite Tradition:
Watching home videos
Music Group:
Dead Kennedys
TV Show:
China, Il
Mother Night by Vonnegut
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:
Traveling South America

more about Lauren

more about Lauren

Early childhood educator
Pursuing a Ph.D. in early childhood education
Board games, canoeing
Romeo + Juliet
Favorite Tradition:
Shopping with my mom
Music Group:
Velvet Underground
TV Show:
The Great British Bake Off
Secret History by Procopius
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:
Exploring Patagonia

Contact Tobas & Lauren

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