It is estimated that about 2 million LGBT adults in the United States are interested in adoption. Unfortunately, the reality is that there are still so many adoption agencies and organizations that reject hopeful parents because of their sexual orientation, married status, religious beliefs, and a host of other reasons.
Unfortunately, this negativity and exclusion also extends to the children in the adoption world. There are a large number of LGBTQ children currently in the foster care system, abandoned by their families because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression. Many adoption agencies and organizations simply do not have the proper knowledge and skills to give these children the services they need.
In answer to these important issues, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation created a project called All Children – All Families (ACAF). Its mission is to educate adoption agencies on ways to be non-discriminatory and inclusive for both LGBT families and LGBT children, thereby ensuring their safety, permanency, and well-being. ACAF provides tools, training, assistance, and more to adoption agencies across the United States.
ACAF is making great progress in bringing awareness to these important issues. Read about a few organizations doing great work for the cause in this recent article about how some adoption agencies are supporting LGBT families.
LifeLong Adoptions is proud to welcome hopeful families of all kinds into our adoption program, traditional or nontraditional. In fact, many hopeful parents come to us after having bad experiences with other adoption agencies or professionals. LifeLong family Chris & William, one of the families featured in the aforementioned article, is one such family. You can read more about Chris & William’s adoption story on our website.
For more information about the HRC Foundation and the ACAF project, please visit their website