Blog// For Birthmothers

7 Key Factors in Choosing a Hospital to Deliver In

Just like any other prospective mothers, birth mothers with an adoption plan get to choose where their baby will be delivered. There is a lot to consider when choosing a delivery hospital, the first of which is what hospitals will be covered by your insurance and what hospitals will your health care provider have admitting privileges at.


While it is important to make sure the hospital you choose is covered by your insurance, there are other aspects of delivery hospitals you should look into before making a choice. The best way to learn more about a delivery hospital is to take a tour before your delivery and ask them any questions you might have. 


Some things you should consider before choosing a delivery hospital include:


1. Birthing Options

Identify what birthing option you would like to use, including pain-relief. Then, make sure a delivery hospital has the birthing options and pain relief options you are wanting as well as considering. This means if you change your mind before your labor and delivery, your birth plan might be flexible at the same location.


2. Proximity to where you are living

The last thing you want while you are in labor is to be stuck in traffic on the way to the hospital. Keep your hospital close to home.


3. Accommodations 

Not all hospitals are the same, so ask each hospital what their postpartum rooms are like, and choose one that meets your comfort level.


4. Postpartum care 

You and your baby will be there for at least one to three days, so you will want to be comfortable. This includes not only the room you are staying in, but the staff that will be with you. Find a hospital with a supportive team of nurses, and take some time to get to know them during a tour before delivery.


5. Pre and post natal classes 

It is essential that you take care of yourself throughout the adoption process. Look for hospitals that provide wellness classes before and after delivery. Participation in those wellness classes will better prepare you for labor and delivery. 


6. Hospital staff 

If you pay attention to how staff interact with one another during a tour, you may gain insight into how they might behave during your delivery. Are they respectful to one another? Are they friendly? 


7. Safety measures and policies 

There are a number of safety measures and policies for labor and delivery. Decide what you want to see your hospital practicing and demonstrating in terms of safety. Additionally, with the COVID-19 pandemic, consider what type of rules and practices you are comfortable with in terms of minimizing exposure during your delivery. 


 Decide what you want from a delivery hospital, and then adoption specialists can help you find a hospital that has everything you are looking for and will distribute the hospital plan to staff and adoptive parents.


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