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7 Ways to Make Single Parent Adoption Easier

A single parent looking to adopt is a wonderful thing. There are so many lessons and experiences that a child can learn alongside a single parent. These experiences will be different, but equally as wonderful as a traditional family would experience.

Taking that first step in deciding to proceed with a single parent adoption is exciting. It is important to gather all the necessary information to try to make the process as easy and painless as possible. These 7 tips will be useful in preparing you for the process of going through a single parent adoption.

1. Prepare Yourself For The Single Parent Stigma

Unfortunately, many adoption agencies still favor the traditional family model when it comes to finding a family for a child, so be prepared for this by being able to ensure and prove that you have a stable home environment and a stable income. It is also important to keep in mind that that it may not be just the agencies that feel this way. You may experience negative comments from friends and families. Staying strong and positive through this is important for both you and your child.

2. Know the Laws and Agencies

When it comes to adoption, different states may have different laws. Whatever state you are in, make sure to look up all the laws that pertain to the adoption process and also those that specifically apply to you as a single parent. Also make sure to do some research on the adoption agencies in your area. Unfortunately, there are still some agencies that do not work with single parents so this is important to know before you just go to any agency.

3. Creating a Support System

Having close friends and family around will help to create your support system for when you bring home your new child. As a single parent, chances are there will come a time when you need someone to help with your child. Whether it be to pick your child up from school or to stay late with them if you have to work late, a helping hand is always appreciated. Knowing who these people are in advance will help the adoption process go a little bit smoother.

4. Child Care Arrangements

After you have adopted your child, eventually you will have to go back to work. Sorting out where your child will go or who will watch you child are essential pieces of information that you can have figured out beforehand. There are many different options out there, but taking the time to do your research before the adoption will lift some of the stress you may feel when it is time to go back to work.

5. Types of Adoptions

There are three different types of adoptions. The options include open adoption, semi-open adoption, and a closed adoption. Knowing about these options and which one you think will be best for you is a key step in preparing for adoption.

6. Waiting

The adoption process can be very long and the wait can sometimes be hard. Just know that you are not the only one who is waiting to adopt an amazing child. There are large communities of single parents who are waiting and you can always reach out to these people who will understand what you are going through.

7. Staying Positive

During the adoption process, there may be times when you experience disappointment. You may not fit right with a birthmother, or an agency you try may not be the right fit for you. Do not let these events cause you to lose heart; with perseverance you’ll be able to grow your family through adoption.

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