Blog// LGBT Adoptive Parents

Adoptive Family Holiday Traditions

Holiday Household

Holidays can be a tough time for parents, especially those who’ve recently adopted a child and are still struggling to get the hang of their new way of life. We all strive to provide our children with the best memories, and that effort can take its toll during that time of the year when we’re pressured to do everything picture perfectly. Instead of taking on a battle you have to conquer, it is a better perspective to view the holidays as time to bond with your child by establishing new holiday tradition. In the following paragraphs, you’ll find a couple of ways to make sure this holiday season yields the happiest memories for both your child and yourself.

1. Engage your child in the creation of the perfect holiday.

When making plans for the holiday season, people often ignore the fact that the preparation itself is an important part of the celebration. The members of your family aren’t just the people who sit with you at the dining table after everything’s already been arranged; the ones that are the closest to you are usually those who participate in the action that goes on in the kitchen as well. So instead of deciding you’ll do everything yourself, think about the fun ways you can include your child in the process of decorating your home and preparing dinner.

2. Make a family of snowmen.

If you’re getting ready for your first Christmas ever after the adoption has been finalized, you’re probably brainstorming about what you could do with your child to make the holidays memorable. Important parts of Christmas are, of course, the cold weather and winter outdoor activities. Turn the weather into an opportunity for bonding and letting the child know they’re an integral part of your life, make a snowman for each member, including the latest addition to the family.

3. Create unique ornaments for the Christmas tree.

Another way to make sure you spend some quality time with your child is doing an Arts and Crafts project. The idea can be appropriated for every existing holiday, but one of the most popular activities for Christmas is definitely making your own Christmas tree ornaments.

4. Make a scrapbook of your child’s first holidays.

If you like the idea of getting glue and paint all over your hands and faces, you’ll probably love making a scrapbook. Apart from allowing you to bond with your child in a very festive manner, this will also provide you with the opportunity to make sure you never forget some of the first moments you’ve spent together. One of the biggest advantages of such a project is the fact that you can really let your imagination run wild.

5. Turn volunteering into a happy holiday memory.

By making an effort to spread the holiday cheer, you won’t just make the occasion more joyful for those who are less fortunate; you’ll also create the ideal atmosphere for deepening the relationship with your child. Apart from that, charity work is a type of activity that will instill core values in the minds of your children.

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